Well I have been gone for a minute or so. I forgot my password so I didn't bother for a while and then it just came to me. I have been working on a new clothing website (for us fashionable muslimah). Working on some poetry and etc. My new venture is I would like to work on some children books. I have a daughter who is almost seven and loves the cheetah girls and Cinderella stories. So I would like to write about some young Muslim girls doing interesting things or a Muslim princess kind of story. I am sorry but don't comment and tell me there's Jasmine from Disney. The girl wears no scarf and her belly is hanging out. That's attractive to little girls and with all the other things out there it's hard finding something Islamic that she would love the same way. Although I embrace the hijab and love wearing it. My daughter who is only six does not wear it now (she does not have to right now) but being the only Muslim in her school covered does not appeal to her. There are a few other Muslims but they do not cover and neither do their parents. Where I grew up I would always see plenty of Muslims in passing, in my school, on there train. I mean I lived in New York City where there was a vast amount of cultures so no one really stared at me weird. Except during traveling times (rest stops) I will blog on that later.If there are any other Muslim parents dealing with the same issues hit me up. I would love to hear your suggestions
At 12:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm from S'pore, married with 2 beautiful kids.
Can't wait to see your new clothing website.
At 4:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
First of all i'd like to express my appreciation on your willingness to undertake such a beautiful task...May you get all the success....I'm 18 and i also hav insane probs and difficulty in living in a world where hardly anyone does proper Hijab..there are no role models..especially for young girls who shouldn't feel isolated for doing sumthin tht is right.There are dolls produced in iran that are in Hijab...maybe you could get some idea from them!...
At 6:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
about the right of choice what to wear and how to look and other choices which changes the life is possible to discuss on a new forum over here http://umabbas.net/forum/index.php … thanks and have a great day.
At 6:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Looks like this video from The Washington Post.com is along the lines of what you do!
At 9:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 12:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think it's a great idea to publish children's books for the Muslim youth and inshallah I hope you are able to do it:) I wouldn't worry too much about your daughter right now. Kids learn by example, and if you and your family members are doing the best you can, then inshallah your daughter will learn what she sees. Also, it is a good idea to teach her about WHY she might look different than the other girls/families in her school. If you arm her with knowledge and confidence, then she will be able to articulate her beliefs when asked. She will also become a source of dawa for all her classmates (Muslim and non) and will feel more comfortable in her skin -- and someday, hijab.
At 1:42 PM,
Francesca Najea Lujan said…
We have so much in commom. I also design clothes, come from NY and write poetry. I wish I could also say I had a daughter, insh'Allah one day I will. Until then, it's nice to read your blog. Please stop by mine. Nice to meet you on the net.
Your Sister,
At 10:53 PM,
Skye said…
assalaamu alaykum sis how are you insha'allah all is well with you and your family just wanted to say i love your site and i think you have some great ideas. take care ur sis in aus =)
At 10:58 AM,
NoorInaya said…
Asalaamu Alaikam,
I just happened upon your website today. MashAllah, very nice (I love the pink!). It would be really good to see a sort of "American Muslim heroine" for young Muslim girls growing up here in America.
There is the Fula doll from the Middle East, and NoorArt has their Rahain doll, but neither really do much in the way of competing with Barbie here in the West.
There are plenty of children's books, but they seem to actually focus more on boys. The Hamza series is popular right now, and mashAllah, they are adorable books! The problem though, is that since Hamza is a little boy, the issue of hijab is most likely not going to be addressed. Those books are best for teaching children other aspects of Islam.
I think that in order to capture the hearts and imaginations of Muslim girls living over here, it's going to have to be something more than just a "veiled Barbie" (which is all I think Fula is!). Also, since we tend to be very active and involved in the outside world here in the West, it will not be exciting enough to show a "veiled Barbie" with her "indoors" or "party" clothes (like Rahain and Fula). Why not show our Muslim counterpart to Barbie doing fun and exciting things like Barbie? A Muslim girl is not limited to staying home all the time, reading or studying. She is also free to go to the park, or hang out with her friends. A doll and or book series should show this!
I think it's a wonderful idea that you have, and have thought about it myself for some time. I am expecting my first child, and inshAllah if it is a girl (my hubby and I want this one to be a surprise), I want her to feel confident about being a Muslim (boys should feel confident as well, but they don't have to tackle the issue of hijab and "sticking out" like girls do). As parents, it is our responsibility to foster that feeling for our children.
May Allah guide us all, and help our children to be good Muslims. Ameen.
At 8:14 PM,
dhani - busana muslimah said…
keep writing...thans for sharing browngirl..
At 1:52 AM,
lil miss luxury said…
Hi! I'm not married yet, but masha'allah. My mom has six kids and the youngest is 5, and I'm the eldest. So, sometimes i feel like a mom. I'm from a country, Malaysia, that alhamdulillah allows us to cover from head to toe. My sister and me when I was young had the problem too. First, I could not understand why I had to do so at such a young age 7 years old.. But i only understood when i got older, and that was when i moved to California. One good book that I would recommend is "does my head look big in this?". My 12 year old sister is reading it.
At 11:48 PM,
Samin said…
I can't write English very wel but i realy like your blog.
At 3:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am really glad i found this blog. I am going to be seventeen in a few months and I really want to start wearing hijab after I graduate high school... I am really worried about it though because none of my friends even fast not to mention want to cover up so I feel as though I would have to rebuild my life from the ground up.. Do you have any advice for me to make my journey a bit easier?
At 11:34 AM,
Yusuf said…
here's the latest video: "the world of hijab." Just tinkering with powerpoint, moviemaker, and more.
If you like it please share it with family, friends and colleagues.
At 6:11 PM,
Fatima said…
hey :) check out my blog :) Thanks!
At 6:19 PM,
Pakistani fashionista said…
Please visit my blog. I am also a muslimah who has started a new clothing business and would appreciate your visit and comments.
My blog: www.clothingforspecialoccasions.blogspot.com
At 11:42 AM,
kHari said…
I think that is a wonderful idea. In Western societies there are no positive protrails of Muslim women, it is hard to even get pass simple sterotypes. I give you major props. You should make a children's book, shows the real side of Islam and the hijab. Many people don't understand it and with a child's book perhaps you can help set a later generation right.
At 1:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Just want to clear things out for Jasmine. In the original movies, she only wore her bare belly outfit, inside her palace. However, when she goes outside, she always have her jalabiya (robe with cape type of clothing)on.
At 8:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey MA love the blogspot. i just stumbled on it in the passing and i too am married with 2 kids and i know exactly what you're talking about. i only began wearing the hijab about 2 yrs ago one week after my daughter was born. i was born here into a liberal islamic family and grew up living the modest american life. i always wanted to wear the hijab but didn't know when. i always felt like an outcast when it came to islam, fasting in school when no one else was and praying in the middle of the school day?!? it was hard... when i met my husband (he wasnt my husband then) he let me realize that my reasons for not wearing the hijab were superficial and nothing to be afraid of. im sooo glad i did and i love it. my plan for my little girls is to pull them in to the beautiful things when they're little and introduce them to people who are acting muslims and positive muslim families so that no matter what they see outside, they have their circle of friends that share the same lifestyle. i let my 2yr old and 1yr old sit next to me when i pray. my 2yr old copies me while praying. yes she doesnt know what shes doing but it will be a habit. my husband and i make a huge deal about eid and ramadan. i beleive that if this is what they see from a young age that this will be their norm and it will be harder to stray from when theyre older. i just think of the way i thought when i was younger and kids dont think about haram and halal when theyre little, they think about why does "julie" get to bake cookies and get tons of presents and i dont. good luck and may allah guide us all.
At 1:23 PM,
sabahat said…
Salam Alikum sis,
I indeed admire your efforts from the core of my heart,Islamic stories are our assets and the Isalamic clothing is our sacred identification.
We are also participating to a little extent for this cause by providing the modest clothes for our Muslim sisters,
Kindly visit us modestvision for unique ranges of scarves ,jilbabs,abayas,hijab caps and thobes.We would love your visit to us and appreciate your suggestion and comments .
Visit us.
Jazak Allah khair for your precious time.
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